


Return to legends of the nile by Paul Klee.
(This catechism by Pope JP I is in crumbs, its in Italian but in the first page he says, people are so educated these days they know all kinds of things, but they don't know anything about God.)

or Dream your way to a Doctorate of Divinity

After all, D is right after ABC.
And you know Pilates' wife did have that dream about Jesus and then she said they should leave him alone but "it's a man's world" and I mean, those women my how they do carry on.
Just an observation.
(the title is an amalgam of Italian, German, and Spanish. Notice how the Italian a for angel is an E in german, and the I becomes an E in ensegnare, and the G becomes an n with a little curly thing over it.).

We could also call this type of EDUCATION the ERUPTION OF AN EVOLUTION

This is how the volcanic eruption of Engelblau actually works.
It's slower than you first imagine, because the eruption is only the beginning of the Evolution into Eternity.
earn aboutngelblau's volving ucatastrophe.
Think of it as Escuchar, (Pio) Entrenar, (ignazio) Estudiar, (Leo) Escribir,(the artistic letters) and Evangelizar la Eucatastrophe.
III. FOUR CHURCH FATHERS AND A POPE WHO MIGHT MAKE A DEAL, investigative research into making deals with saints.
The obsession with decorated and beautiful letters is not found only in these pages but also in ancient hand written copies of the Bible.
So as we organize, its good to realize this.


Hi, this is Maddi and this is a translation of the Pio mass here for those who are interested.
Since only someone who understands spoken Italian and has the patience to be up at five thirty to hear it could do this, well, I guess I'd like to see someone impersonate this.
Jesus was a teacher, he had no classroom but the street, but people sure were willing to get hot and sweaty following him around.

I like this lynx, you can tell it's listening and the eyes are bright.


Note: there is a notation in the diary for nov 9 which says, good shepherd, dishonest steward, which is worth considering,
the man got axed so he worked out a payment plan with his boss's debtors that would make them his friends.
People are always surprised by this, but Jesus says, essentially, mercy is mathematical. It's measure for measure. And even though every sin harms the boss (god) god actually wants mercy across the boards.
So, be merciful to your enemies (especially in matters of money where fires may burn high, and even forgive yourself when you screw up) and you'll be on your way to paradise,
Today was the Feast of St Martin who is really the reason we celebrate Veteran's day on this day, see the freeing of the Prussian serfs.
also this day is the wine harvest day and the beginning of the old Season of Advent.
That said, the Gospel was Jesus being harsh --woe to those who cause skandal, better they should have a millstone tied around their neck and swim with the fishes.
And in the very next breath, Jesus being so merciful that He recommends forgiveness seven times a day.
What's up with this, said the priest? Well, hard as it is to swallow, the Christian community or the "Church" is not a place where we don't sin. It's a place where we forgive.
The skandal of mercy, of suffering the sin of another, is greater than the skandal of the sin itself.

Today November 12 aside from full moons and fireballs we have the Feast of St Josaphat (who? turns out he was in Ukraine? is that right?) a martyr because the priests were wearing red robes and that always means somebod died.
And not of natural causes.
In fact the first reading reminds everybody that death is not natural any time it happens, it entered the world because of the envy of the devil.
It's Satan himself who likes to say it's just natural, (good ole pass the buck beelzebubb,his nicknames are always ugly) to which we should reply, "don't wizz on my leg and then say its raining!".
We all have an instinctive preference for life over death..but now we're getting into Sartre territory.
The gospel was about servants who do what they are told and Jesus again seemingly being harsh calls them "inutili" or "useless."
But the priest said, it just means that when we do what God tells us we are like children playing, learning to play in his presence and grow...not providing any big time service, but learning to be like Jesus, to love each other so much and be so grateful for the chance to serve each other, that we wash each other's feet like He did.
Who would delight to wash the feet of somebody that just came in from the mudflats?
Not easy to grasp but there it is.

SO now Pio's mass, what do you think the gospel was? The ten lepers who got healed by jesus and only one returned to thank him and that one was a Samaritan, a foreignor, a double outcast.
So the priest was talking all about outcasts, the lepers could not enter the holy city of Jerusalem because they were unclean
and they did not dare to approach Jesus when he was walking down the road, but they heard he was merciful so they were shouting at him HELP HELP and He was not a show off so He just said, go talk to the priests and on their way they got healed by a miracle.
interior leprosy which is pride and egoism which erases gratitude...which only the Samaritan got cured of,
it's just as well that we say Eucharistia, or "thank you".

Nov. 14, the Mass, more red robes, which means someone got in a squabble again: This time, nicholas Tavelic the croatian, who was in Jerusalem trying to convert the muslims, (which goes to show the Serbian religious skirmish surely has a long and warlike history.
The first reading was from the book of Wisdom which is always hard to grasp.
There are cheat sheets out there to explain SOPHIA PRONESIS and CHOKMAH.

The priest, to help out the audience, said he had chanced to read a story where in 1970 two years after the death of Padre Pio, a friar from Swizzera had decided to ask Pio's wisdom and pilgrimaged up to the friary which in those days probably didn't have a road yet so was kind of hard.
And he asked Pio's blessing, and dreamt that Pio was smiling at him.
If Pio smiles at you the joke might be on you, because a few days later he was elected to be the boss of the Franciscans, a job with a lot of work and little pay most likely. O NO. (o, si.)

Nov 15 feast of Alberto Magno, need to figure out who he is.
We actually made a deal with him similar to the one with Pope Leo, this time the deal was "a page in return for good results from two people's medical procedures" so we'll see if it works out. UPDATE: It is working out but like so many things, takes longer than you expect. So, we keep praying.
The Hebrew Scripture reading were about how people used to think the natural phenomena like sun and wind and sea were gods, because of their magnificence and awesomeness.
They did not see how Jah or Jah weh, Allah, they did not see how the Great spirit had created all of this.
Then Jesus said, plan for the coming of heaven because you have no idea when. So we're still on the plan theme.
And the priest said, pray for Venice which is under water and Taranto which just had a labor disaster, again, due to poor urban planning and economic planning. In other words, due to greed.

Nov 16, Saturday, haze king dreams caused me to oversleep the mass. However, while saying the rosary, these thoughts came to mind about Angels, pilgrimages joy and jealousy.
1. virgin mary sees angel, goes on pilgrimage of Joy to cousin.
2.She and Joseph go on pilgrimage number two, thanks to the Roman government's tax census. (aka Trump taxes for towers. Big government never changes.)
3. big JOYFUL birthday occurs, then they go on another pilgrimage, this time to Jerusalem where they get a sad prophecy.
4. Shortly thereafter, Joseph sees an angel and this time the message is a warning. and they go on a pilgrimage to flee jealousy, to Egypt as a matter of fact.
And 5. When they see the angel again and return home, they "settle in another neighborhood" so as to avoid the haters.
The rosary is a good cheat sheet. Its quite concise if you think on it.
Nov. 17. Same as yesterday. Dreamed sweet dreams right on through the mass and apologies to truck, bus, train and taxi drivers, sanitation workers, farmers, park rangers, waitresses and cooks, hospital workers, military, pilots, and police and fire, all those who have to stay up all night or get up really early in the service of others! .
Surely your angels went, to get graces for you!
If you have time you can look at the pope's mass for World day of the Poor.
Its in english, no need for any translation here.
But if you watch the original, the second reading, watch the Spanish lady laughing while she proclaims the St Paul reading.
Then she says "excuse me." It's funny.

Incidentally yesterday I forgot to add the pilgrimage of the Magi, which was long and probably included scorpions,jackals, crooked guides, bandits, malaria, mosquitoes, bad water, spoiled food, hunger and thirst and blisters and exhaustion and who knows what else.
all because "we have seen his star in the East." And they didn't come to "get" anything but to "give" honor and gifts.
To top it all off Herod tried to use all that labor to get to the prize,!!
so they had to detour around on the way back and "return to their own lands by another route."


Monday Nov 18. A good gospel for DJ LQQK.
The Blind man sat by the road shouting Son of david, have mercy!
His soul at least was able to see the goodness of Jesus.
And the more people said "hush your mouth" the louder he shouted, which inspired great mercy in Jesus.
He came over and said, what exactly do you want me to do?
I want to see, the man answered, and Jesus replied, "See. Your faith has saved you."
The first reading was about a holocaust (during times of Antioch? Must have been a Grecian king.) The priest said the people were blind at first, and did not see how brutal he was.
He said seeing comes gradually. (like listening, apparently.)And God is patient.

Nov. 19. the play by play. Pray for the Pope's visit to Thailand and Japan.
In the first reading which turns out was Maaccabees, a highly respected town official agrees to die rather than eat non kosher food,
Answering the "centrists" he says"if I eat the food, I will cause scandal by bad example, and lead many to deny Adonai
gospel, We see another example where Jesus rewards effort and perseverance with people who are looking for his mercy.
Zaccheo had arrived economically, says the priest, he had achieved his financial goals, but his heart was miserable and he was desperate for mercy.
So he risked ridicule, climbing a tree like a little kid though he was a wealthy CPA, because he figured, this was his chance to see Jesus and he had to do his best, do whatever he could.
but imagine how happy he must have been when Jesus walked right on up to the tree and said, come down out of there Zach because guess who's coming to dinner?
Greatly touched, Zach cried, I'll give back the loot!
In other words, says the priest, he took a bath in God's mercy.
Nov 20. Dreamed through the mass again, and Strider would say, "It was a dream, Arwen, nothing more."
And then Arwen answers: "then it was a good dream."( I guess elves don't get as many javelins when they dream or else they just don't mind.)
Anyway, here's something spiritual anyway: if anyone wishes to be a spiritual child of Padre Pio, it's pretty simple.
There's only a couple of prereqs according to his friend Dolindo Ruotolo (I think that was the person who knew the prereqs.) What's in it for you? well
Here's a promise from Pio that he won't go to heaven until all his spiritual children are inside.
so yeah, pretty loyal, I would say.

Well, more of same. I mean, it's a good dream.

It just came to me as I was thinking on this that Arwen and Aragorn both begin with A, so let's investigate the theological implications of all this sounds and letters game that the Aetna tribe was so good at.
Like a Paul Klee Kandinsky Primitive who grasps the emotions, it may take an inalfabeto to appreciate the alfabeta of it all, like I just realized how the triangle of Kandinsky looks like an A.


(ok so the C is a stretch.)
How about Albino's Bricciole del Catechismo?
How Alexander was Asleep at the Ancient and Admirable Athenaeum Academy of Aristotle, Aspiring to be an Aristocratic Adventurer like Aeneas (is this accurate not really should be Ulysses oh well lol) Adonai was Announcing an Arabian Adventure to Abraham.
Here's how it came about.
So I oversleep the Mass in this same dream, the good dream, the one with sugar and javelins, and I take my rosary to speak with Mary and the spirit, well the Voice does speak like shubabbali, that seems to be a good way to imitate the voice of the Ruah. Its like that.
So A NASSAU ANCHOVY ANGEL'S ANNOUNCEMENT (to Maria, the M being two As stuck together) of the ADVENT OF APOCALYPSE.
then the four doctors, Ambrose Augustine Albert Aquinas and we arrive at the last Italian pope so far, Albino Luciani (the white light, tell me that doesn't mean something. He was wacked by the mob after only a month in office--ok well draw your own conclusions about it but read about the Blackfriars bridge suicide-- and if you watch the movie about Albino, the Smiling Pope, free on youtube, doesn't he remind you of Pope Francis? He's always grinning like Frank, Who is probably too street smart to get wacked at least right off the bat, I mean he lived through all that stuff in Argentina and besides, Francis came AFTER the butler did it (Paolo Gabriele, name meaning the little Gabriel. but my golly what a trumpet he had didn't he? Sure shook up the Vatican. And I can't resist this, how about After the butler Coughed up the goods. ok ok, So to get to my point, Albino wrote this thing Catechismo in Bricchiole so there you have it, the ABCS of Adonai is eat it in crumbs. And dream on--it's a good dream. Except for the javelins but it just seems like it comes with the territory.
Also I forgot to add this from my memory notes, though I can't read any Arabic at all, so that script next to her name is "greek to me", I can say, Alla Akbar Alleluja Athena's Arabian Azan.
Yes we did get woken up from a ukranian jabba mashup dream at exactly 530.
Aw gawd, said dud, looking at the dreary and drab display of raindrops on the dark window,
and rolling over in the divine delicious dagger strewn double fisted defense dreams of down comforters (these dreams are SJ and it means Sugar and javelins.
which gets mashed up into Society of Jesus. but it was prolly the angel so she hit the teleradio app and saw red one more time.
Turns out today is the feast of St Cecilia, martyr and patron of music
and the dream mashed into the mass so it was ok.
The Maccabees was the one where they reconstructed the temple since the enemy was finally defeated, the 25th day of Chislev.
The gospel was the one where Jesus reconstructed the temple by throwing out all the merchants.
And if he didn't sign his own arrest warrant that day, then I don't know what, but the priests were still afraid to arrest him because "the people were hanging on his every word."
Kandinsky probably grins whenever he hears that one.
Yesterday at adoration guess who was there? the black Madonna, (how black is she? Not sure.) and they told the story of her and John Paul II who also almost got wacked, they always say how he put the bullet they took out of his panza in her crown of Fatima but did you know there is a frammento of the berlin wall in the crown of the Black madonna of Chestakova? I didn't know either.
There are too many stories about this Madonna, but one that the priest told was, when he was a friar student one of the students had written to wojytla, asking permission to go to celebrate Mass in Wojytlas' private chapel and one February afternoon they got a call that they could come for tomorow at six Am so they left immediately and they made it and there he was praying in front of the Black Madonna.
I also happened to see the Golden girls episode where they spontaneously go to Holly wood but that pilgrimage was for grabbing the dough and they didn't get the sports car. So now as Im writing this Im thinking, was that why the first trip turned out ok because god was with the friars? Anyways.
Two otehr "coincidences" I should mention, one: the priest brought up spiritual childhood of Pio--was he answering our question?
and he said, its not about filling out a form, Pio used to say, sure you can be my child but DONT MAKE ME LOOK BAD.
And two: Oh no I forgot. Ok I got it , the priest yesterday said the word bricciole meaning crumbs in reference to his speech so let me just include that the reading from adoration was about Jesus and the good thief and the bad thief. What made them good and bad? One asked for God's mercy, the other was angry and sour. And the priest said, Pope francis has this holy spirit teaching letter, no matter how bad your problem is, like the good thief, there is always a way out. Work together with Jesus.

NOVEMBER 23 Saturday. Ok here's the play by play hten I'm going back to dreamland.
at four am the moon was a crescent, fading in and out of dreamland.
Pancakes came out pretty good.
The entrance song is this song I cieli narrano la glorai di dio something about il firmamento, il giorno la notte, which is evidence in support of, the stars, the sun, the moon, all of this tells of God's glory.
The King in maccabees, Antiochus, was defeated, he was unable to sack the temple of Alexander the son of Philip the macedonian (is this right? I was still a bit sleepy anyway that is Alexander the great I think he stole a lot of gold from Persia or something.
why the heck Antiochus would sack a temple that already belonged to him? O well.).
He did not need any more treasure but he just was sucked into this power trip.
Then when he failed, he got depressed and was overtaken by depression, saying that he had labored in vain.
The priest said, he realized that power and money had blinded him. Same old song.
Then, the sadduccess who did not believe in eternal life tried to trick jesus with that famous story aobut the seven brothers who all married the same woman.
in paradise whose wife will she be, they sneered? Jesus said they had the wrong idea about it.
in Paradise, Jesus replied calmly, people are like angels and do not marry, and will never die anymore.
God is the God of the living, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
And this is the point of any pilgrimage, said the priest, its a vacation for our souls, to open our eyes to the beauty of God..
Pio saw the splendor of paradise and the saints with his own eyes because his soul was wide awake.
We close our eyes to beauty and we think that what we see with our eyes closed is the reality.
Even modern churches often don't focus on beauty, he said (Klee might agree there).
So that's the play by play for today and tomorrow is the feast of EngelKrol, so hopefully this will help us to grasp a few crumbs of Paradise.
Also there is this new version of the volcano graphic of Neon knuckles lamborghinis and all that ibiza stuff. Is ibiza even a volcano? I know hawaii is.
Sunday Nov 24, the pope was saying Mass in Nagasaki. People said he was calling for nuclear disarmament and the protection of the earth...


Monday 25 nov. the gospel of the "widow's mite" the two pennies that Jesus saw the poor woman throw into the donation box.
these monetine he said, are worth more than all the gold of the pharisees.
Look into your heart, said the priest, as the year is ending and see if you have loved God with your heart because even if you have nothing more than a smile to give to Him for his project, that is everything if you love Him.
But if you don't love Him, even if you gave Him a billion dollars what is the point? So examine your spirit and see how much love is there.
As a matter of fact there is a story where Padre Pio learned this lesson, where a very poor woman gave him a few cents she had saved by not putting out her cooking fire, and not having to buy matches.
and he said "if you are that poor, keep the money! And she got all mad and said, o so my money isn't good enough? And he felt bad after that.
Nov 27 amist the snooze appeared the hand on the wall, mene mene tekel perez or number number weight division and no, boxers, its not about getting kicked up from flyweight to middleweight because you ate too much at Thanksgiving.
The kings days were numbered, his kingdom was weighed and found wanting and his territories were divided amongst medes and persians. In other words, macron and putin. kidding!
NOV 28 THe holiday of thanks, and the mathematics of Mercy.
God is my judge, and his verdict is mercy.
D is for daniel's dreams and the Devastating Decree against devotion, and the desperate Dramatic Den of Death, but not for daniel...
the story of political intrigue, the king was bamboozled into making a Decree that the Medes and the persians said was irrevocable, that you could not pray to God.
Daniel was being Surveilled by Big Brother but he prayed anyway, got arrested and thrown into Lion's Den.
the king was heartbroken, stayed up all night, did not eat or see concubines.
However, Daniel was spared and guess who got munched? the evil senators who tried to kill him and their families too because in those days, your family had to die with you!!
not sure how this fits but its funny

Incidentally, daniel Menas "God is my judge". John Brown would like that.
Then we have the Canticle of Creatures, and then the Gospel of the GIORNO DI VENDETTA, the priest used the actual word Vendetta in his sermon.
This is about mercy..last night I got two teachings, one was the MATHEMATIcS OF people get together, talk about their year and the mistakes and regrets of their lives? Do old feuds rise up like Lions in a den?
Do these regrets sometimes overwhelm your heart?
God's mercy is ignited by your mistakes...the more huge and deep your error or your sadness, the more it inspires his love to come in a hurry and fix it.
This is the math of mercy, the equation of mercy is equal to the jagged chasm of human weakness, the deeper the valley the higher is the wave of love that comes to fill it in.
It doesnt happen right off the bat though.
It's slow.
(The other teaching was, the Dance..I was mumbling to the angel that I wanted to see a Miles and rose episode the first one, because I keep watching the cheeseman one but I wanted to see how they met.
ANd do you believe that the angel helped me dial up the right one? I think it was five six but not sure.
And then I realized, he helped me so I could put it in here, it goes with the Dreams, with Daniel. He wants readers to know.
Anyway Miles and Rose meet while DDDDancing, and then can't communicate with words, but the dance brings them all back together, not just them but everyone.
So when the apocalypse comes, don't hang your head, lift it up! Because the bad things will be destroyed.
Padre Pio's wounds not only did not get gangrene for fifty years but when he died they disappeared WITHOUT A TRACE. His body was already sniffing at resurrection.

Nov 30 the fest of st Andrew Apostle and the last day of the "liturgy" year, the gospel was the one where Jesus is walking by the shores of Galilee and he calls Andrew and Simon and James and John
The priest said, Andrew, had to be listening or he would never have answered.
He said, now we all have our cell phones on even when we are praying in church and there is a constant "chiasso" everywhere, so many voices, so much clatter.
If Jesus walked by and called our name, would we hear?
but if we wish to Amare A dio dobbiamo Ascoltarlo, in other words, to Love god we have to Listen..




we are a day behind right at the moment but no worries.
The readings today stress the themes of Mountains, Light and Listening in order to achieve peace and brotherhood
The First readings, from Amos or Joel can't remember which, "in the days to come the MONTAGNA DEL SIGNORE the MOuntain of the Lord will be the highest."
And everyone will go up to that mountain and LISTEN to the LORD and LEARN TO LOVE and then beat their swords into plowshares.
come let us walk in the LIGHT of the Lord.
which I do believe would make John Brown jump up and down for joy.
Also would kind of put an end to family feuds at Feasts.
The psalm, I rejoiced when they said to me Let us go to the mountain of God.
And the letters, You do not know when the day of the Lord is coming, it comes like a thief in the night so don't get too drunk and start fighting---be ready for God, and put on the ARMOR OF LIGHT.
Gospel is about Noah who listened to God and Loved God which is the message of Engelblau.
So Mountains, Light and Listening.
Stuff was going on during the sermon because it was noontime already, it was the late Mass so not sure about all the sermon.

DEC 2.
I over slept today but the rosary meditation is about God being humble and shy, he announced the birth of his son, but only to his girlfriend so to speak, not even to the foster father for a while, (which maybe made Maria look like she was wearing an A all her own)
He chose to be born quietly, in a farm far out of the way.
So to witness the events of God, you really do have to be perceptive sometimes.
Angels and shepherds were there but no nightly news team.
3 december schlafen lungen, viel schnee, fiel schee, ich fiel traum, nein sage , iche denke de spion legen ich scriben.
However, December last year was the time of deep dreams, so ask yourself, if Aaron is gone and Alexis is the mayor of the internet, did he go the route of white iverson and get a muscle car and do Paul Klee coloring lessons?
the undersigned no longer bickers as boisterously with Blue, we have "loving discussions" of this sort instead. It's actually better.
Spiritual intel of the day? Cuernavaca is a place where a miracle happened according to legend, which gave rise to the beauutiful cuernavaca crucifix festooned with angels.
and it turns out that a priest called Ivan Illitch who was probably a culture jammer and for some reason sounds like a character in Uncle Vanya, had a "cult" in Cuernavaca Mx that is kind of interesting.
example of loving discussions of late.
spring theory patience?
Yeah, kind of like patients waiting to get out of the haze ward. It's slow.
u know what's not slow though?
when somebody gets a lit firecracker in their gestalt briefcase, that's kinda instantaneous like. BOOM. Damn where's my theory now?
ha ha funny.

Dec 5, we did lose a few days there, due to cleaning up catalogue chaos.
Patience..patience is a skill, akin to trying to calm a volcano.
So no play by play, but Tonight is st Nicholas night, you may think of him as Sinter Klaus but did you know he was the patron of prostitutes?
According to a story, he helped three poor girls avoid this trade, by giving them money so they would have a "dowry" which is a payoff the father would traditionally make to the boyfriend to help with living expenses.

6 DEC the last First Friday guess who was at Leo's?
Anyway, here's the play by play for the fist time in a while.
the adoration yesterday was held at the Home for the relief of suffering, a state of the art hospital built by Pio's friends in that "pueblo bicicletero" and free of charge to anyone who can't afford it.
Some Pio disciples are trying to make one in the US that hopefully will also be free, but it's SLOW!
Anyway the priest said,the key to mission is PREGARE ANDARE DIRE RIMANERE and CURARE,
Jesus said, don't talk on the way (don't waste time, apparently arabic pilgrim greetings could last all day) and don't take extra coats or shoes (probably because they would get stolen?)
just go stay in the house that receives you and eat what they provide while you tell them about how much God loves them and cure their hearts.
first doctor who spoke about the heart of "Jah" was very humble and the second one was almost mystical
but then came Father Salvatore who was celebrating 50 years as a friar, and he said he had no idea how to talk about God, and then he was so overcome with emotion that everyone else was too.
Then this morning, dreams, but in the church it was a grace jackpot which is hard to articulate.
Anyway, it was father Salvatore's Mass, the Gospel was about the Missions, they had some crazy song so perfect with african drums the whole church could have been dancing, and the lyrics were about Marana tha (which sounds like Marathon, doesn't it, more on this later) and the terra and the cielo.,

dec 7 St Ambrosio Play by Play.
it's preferable to do the play by play right after the teaching, before you forget.
Sometimes its a hassle, or SEEMS like a useless hassle to follow Jesus and rumble out of a sweet dream into a not so sweet reality to hear the teaching.
But if you meditate sometimes the meaning is more clear, example: today's teaching was kind of agricultural yet philosophical.
people like the Glad Gardeners Guzzi often snooze A LOT due to habits picked up in childhood of working outside and becoming so tired, so that, everything revolves around basic physical needs.
For them, getting up at five and shooting double espressos is nbd because the cows need to be milked, right?
So passing out at sunset on a big plate of pasta and fave or whatever is just normal.
Maybe a person in the present world is in no mood to get up this morning becuase of a variety of arguments they might be having with "Jah"
but if you do get up you might realize you were just dwelling on the bad stuff.
So the first reading about how God is going to make the wheat grow, the stars will shine like the sun, everything will just be dandy after you finish the bread of sadness,
you say, ok that makes sense to a farmer but it's a fairy tale, when will this actually happen?
The psalm is more of same, how sweet it is and you say, when is this dream of zion going to come true exactly?
(incidentally i was reading about rastafar and its quite interesting but I found out ZION is not exactly necessarily Jewish or Christian but has to do with Ethiopia)
In the Gospel Jesus is moved with compassion, but it is talking about the harvest of Souls.
St Augustine is famous but did you know he was Algerian? Yeah, me neither. He was born in Tagaste. Algeria.
Also, while Ambrose is far less famous, Augustine never would have had the huge influence on Western culture that he ended up having,without Ambrose teaching him about the resurrection.
And the disciples of Augustine apparently still gather around an olive tree planted BY Augustine but that's enough.


There was no mass at five thirty probably because this is a huge feast, the Immaculate Conception and they may be celebrating it tomorrow
but guess who woke who up anyway(and guess who said "get a grip, tiddly wink" to no avail)
to give a sermon about announcements true and false, (think the vengeful demon and his crooked announcement versus the good angel and the good news) attitude, lazyiness, hard work, Mercury the fire/torch carrying Messenger of the Gods
you will notice if you listen to the spirit that he speaks to different people who know each other, basically saying the same thing in a different way, to confirm the message,
(Spirit of Unity not division, Spirit of Wisdom not ignorance).
Some of the teachings are private for one individual,
and others are more on the order of "what is the Spirit saying to the people" type messages. But listening is a prerequisite for both kinds.
Also the vengeful demon is liable to try and create static or confusion in the mix. He's just a pain in the whatever.
December 9 Feast of Juan Diego, though the Pio crowd mention that at all.
Days of Haze were around thsi time, Dreams.
or are dreams really the most awake state. Anyway, there turned out to be a big thing yesterday for the Immaculate, everyone consecrated themselves to her in a big crowd of friars and people from age six upwards.
Today was the story of the paralytic who gets let down via a mat through a roof to get to Jesus.
This sounds like a celebrity, the way they acted, Jesus in fact did reward their persistence by healing the paralyzed man.
Did he pay to replace the roof tiles? The story does not tell.
Celentano it turns out has this song about Camminare and God, and it also features a bridge in the video.
Celentano was a celebrity...well guess who was complaining to God, about celentano net worth fifty mil and Katy perry probably triple that and the castle and the muscle cars because in the end we are all the same, we all want to be rock stars.
We just do, some of us for the adulation and love and some for the beachfront bugattis (hehe)
.and endless poolside mango smoothies but we all feud with God about why can't we all be beloved billionaires.
THats why mars bars and travie made that tuen, ironically mars probably is a billionaire but anyways.
Anyway here is an answer which was presented to guess who,
At leo's house, Mother teresa wasn't the only famous guest. There was a lady who almost married Elvis and then became a nun and she was at the Leo house a few years ago the name? not sure.
and it turns out Elvis considered being a monk but he coulndt do ti and then he died not long after.
Having said this, and yeah camminare is one of the ways we distinguish neandertal, the pull towards AGAPE AVERROES And whatever.
So which do we prefer, delightul dreams or regular realities?
one final thing, while trying to sing CAMMINO he goes, se cammino, vado avanti..VADO E venGO VADO ANdARE AVANTI isn't that interesting how those words have V, and A. build the road then walk upon it.
(I would walk 500 miles is a song featured in the angels share which turns out to be a movie about whiskey and evaporated whiskey/
The voices of the angels from the volcano are singing all the time and the phenomena are the form that the music takes, and we dont hear it,
Bugattis and thermodynamics: the puissance motive de feu (the moving power of fire):
sorry if you want to read that book its SADI CARNOT LE PUISSANCE MOTIF DE FEU
where art meets ardor, beauty meets combustion (from the latin for burn up) and cars meet cops and criminals.

Dec 10 Loreto..(wonder if that's from Lauro tree)...Library...Liber, Liberty, Libiamo (note: liberta is a song by Bocelli, and LIbiamo is a song by Giuseppe Verdi..too lazy to link them rn)
all have the same root. Liber was the roman counterpart to Dionisio..which was the dream on chocopop record label...
because the angels like playing with sounds and words.
Freedom of information, freedom of books...
(NOTE: which does not mean that all information should be public, some is private for one individual but the information Aaron sought to publish was not in that category, it was not about people's personal stuff but it was information in the public doamin and later, information funded by public dollars that was being hoarded by private interests freedom to drink and sing and thats what a brindisi song is, did you know that that is the name of a town in Italy, BRINDISI...
we should have a town called "drinking song, Alabama" or whatever which brings us to Alabama and FGL and "Im in a hurry".
because we can be in a hurry to follow Phidippedes, follow the spirit and carry the torch and all that hope related stuff or else in a hurry to wage wars and hoard money and hunt down poeple like Aaron who "demand progress".
He probably jumped the gun because he was in a hurry to get things done...and maybe he could have found another way..but WHY was he in a hurry?
So the news that the charges might be announced today reminded me of the charges against Aaron and perhaps a "brindisi" a song of LIbiamo nei lieti calici, well let's see.
Today is the feast of Loretto, there is a legend that angels brought Maria's house from Israel to keep it safe.
Pio probably got up way before the mass so he could tune in to that angelic frequency..Still he never got to blow billions on bugattis (sigh).LOL.
As for the play by play the mass was over by 530 EST because it looks like they held it early in the cathedral of Loreto.
if you want an angel story, I mean it doesnt get much better than Loretter. HEHE.

Five am, before the Mass.
DEC 11, for fans of Ignazio and the spiritual training,well we have come to the end of our Ignatian style prayer month.

Yesterday there came a song about Aaron, then there came other songs, but here's the Swartz one: about uncle sam, the government's hectic pace which is due to war (this is a thesis propounded by one of those philosophers of the German school, that war leads to breakneck velocity in everything including music), Trump's impeachment, and aaron swartz's arrest. It is worth reading about Swartz if you never have, or watching him on youtube.

Sam's in a hurry to fire his gun, well he will push and he'll push and I have to run.
If he catches up with me I'm gonna die, well, Sam's in a race with his power and priiiide.
I don't know Why he has to run so fast His crimes are easy to prove
Nothing new..its the same old story it's always true...
repeat refrain.

It seems like an appropriate time to gather and review the teachings, meditate on what they say.
The full moon is rising even though its cloudy and it will not be visible.
One: The four loves concept of CS Lewis really does have some traction: Affection, the love we feel for animals,or even or pair of familiar jeans.
We could speak of animals and animate objects here but it might get off the thread a bit.
Amicizia, the friendship love,
Amore, the romantic love which includes erotic love (Eros, was a Greek God, but romance does this not come from the wolves, Romulus and Remus. And where do those words originate? That too is off the track right now.
Finally, Agape.
so the romantic, erotic love is the most private one. Agape is the most inclusive.
Two. Daylight savings time does mess wiht stuff. It's really six am not five. So as we approach the shortest day of the year, its not maybe quite as dark as we think.
Three: For those who believe in Pio and the like, Loreto is HUGE.
Its more important to Pio than any other place because that's where the angel appeared.
The angel appeared quietly, in private, he didn't blaze firecrackers all over the sky just then, although the magi did "see his star in the east" but they must have been watching the skies for a long time.
*It also came to imind that Liberace the root word is LIBER and turns out, some businessman paid a lot of money to restore his house in Las vegas wich is kind of a Loreto for Liberace kind of thing but that may be off point too.) So there you have it, Pio Prayers for spiritual training.


There is no way to explain the moonrise, the mortaretti and the musings, but here is a musical cheat sheet for stuff like collabs with bluberrs and anchovies.
I can't replicate the machine synthesizer of tarzan boy with my voice I dont know how..maybe the Padrino would know, but I that whole strip tease is just not exactly my particular thing....but I love Tarzan boy the vocal part...
so, I was practicing with Adriano, Im going to study music theory so I can get used to words like production, pitch etc. and there is a whole thesis about the primal scream, the Young soul rebels, etc etc but listen to this;
MAMBO ITALIANO, participants mambo on nassau and during the line, Kid u gooda lookin but you donno whadda cookin, Dave P gets that line and delivers it while transaldente.
I mean you could imagine a mambo like Enrique's video "bailando" with gente de zona, except instead of that dance they do the mambo italiano.
Which is about these sicilians who go to latin america and get all confused. LOL
he ancho, ancho cacia cavalo (ie cacio y pepe) hey ancho tutti frutti di bosco (ie blueberries) hey jaru u donna gotta go to school to make it with the transaldente, misticamente, if u do da angel hair u gonna haze so be aware HEY ancho LOL


The world is very speeded up and it's hard to calm down and listen to spiritual things.

"Learn to Listen" with comments in English for English speaking people.

The priest nov 12 was the same one who during the Thursday Adorations, advocated the Spiritual Exercises of Ignazio for everybody a couple weeks ago just before the Leo Pilgrimage.
This priest also said, that when someone is holy they are really always a child, because they recognize that they are a child of God.

The exercises are supposed to be a really good way to learn to Listen...and to establish this relationship of love between you and God.
And so I'm checking those out and will be adding some of that as well.
Here, father gustavo explains How to do the exercises on lineIgnatius took a month and he went away from everything so he would be able to speak to God.
However, most people arent' wealthy enough to do this so they do the exercises like they would train for anything, they listen to it for say fifteen minute, then meditate for half an hour or so, time permitting.
the first sermon is about Metanoia the conversion of a person from going in one direction to going in another.
in an introductury commentary for beginners,
Gustavo ( here's the link, we can just try it obviously we're not going to be good at it, but it doesn't hurt to try just a little bit and note the Leon style plants)
and the priest has a really fine Spanish, speaks like an aristocrat of some kind
In the second lecture, he said that Ignatius got wounded and went to the family castle to recuperate, where he asked for reading material, he wanted to read war stories but they gave him saint stories and the rest is history.

The people and things around us are gifts to us, to help us love God more and realize how much He loves us.
Our "homework" or "tarea": We have to figure out if the people and things in our lives make us love God more, or do they make us separate from God's love.
(If they are harming our love for God, we should avoid them.)
The best way to do this "figuring out" homework is just talk to God.
Prayer is different for everybody, the important thing is to speak with god and listen to God in order to love God more.
There's a movie about that out there somewhere too.
It also proves I have the ability to understand fine Spanish, while at the same time, no one is going to plagerize these materials because...who would steal a translation of sermons or religious writings?
(Some Portugese guy on Guru stole over $1000 worth of translations I did and didn't pay me a thing. Live and learn)



That's right, straight A.s
Plus, Pope Leo.
At the present moment, Leo did us a favor and Albert is in the middle of doing one. So we have to live up to our part of the deal, which is to talk about them as we may.
The Leo material is somewhere else, we need to find it.FOUND IT
St Augustine is one of the most famous christian philosophers and Ambrose seems to have been instrumental in his decision to become a follower of Christ, since Augustine was highly educated in "pagan" philosophy, the two of them probably had a lot of interesting conversations. Albert was a profesor and apparently had a big influence on Aquinas who answered a lot of questions people had about the teachings of Jesus.