See the Pen Rocket around the Moon a pen by Karim Maaloul (@Yakudoo) on CodePen.

the letter meditations are amazing but messy todayupdate evr wonder about a musical eu haristic thanksgiving with francois freaky friday fish fry frangipane feast and looyds lunes lunacy of liquid libation laetare Nd isabelles indulgent incarnaions! and we have to think before we tweet.. but WELCOME TO THE VALANGA DI VITA ENGELFREUNDE PAGE.

THE SONG MAKES IT REAALL!!: to Return to Eden, Ascolta all' Angelo and Learn to Love.
The Listening Angel is going to watch over us for the time being and function as a sort of entry point to the University, so that things may be peaceful and work can proceed in an orderly fashion.
We've changed our domain a few times this year but with any luck, this one will remain in peace.
The Gabuzzo Archives and the Listen Archives will be sorted out in due course.
but Angels, you say? Come now, have we not progressed beyond such ridiculous superstitions? Is this not a bit ingenous? A bit fatuous? A bit...dare we say...stupid?
And we say to you, no, good sir, kind madame, we are not stupid simply because we are willing to consider the possibility that there may be more to reality than what we know or understand.
Rather, changing facts to fit a theory that suits us is not sound science.
Our method is to investigate events from a phenomenological point of view and if the evidence points to angels, well then perhaps angels are real after all.
And so we place the key to the University in the keeping of Engelblau, the LISTENING ANGEL.

The Lot DJS continue to slay all day, and Felipe mi fon murio por eso no estuve en la fiesta "cien cumbias con Felipe el milagroso lol"

See? You don't need to buy pumped up kix to run the marathon.
Don't worry-wear flipflops, and save your money in case u need a back up device. lol
Day of the dead entry Saturday 11 2. (or vigil of the swift and sore footed tara juimaras, who like to eat venison carbonara and hey that rhymes. while wandering and humming to pass the miles, the pellegrini discovered thatFrancois also rhymes with tais toi, the story of Ruby plus tot, and you know what Freude rhymes with?)

Yes, we are back from the quiet and shy pilgrimage to Leo's house to see the Angels in the City.
Life is at times really surprising, as this exhibit was actually on show at Leo's house when we got there. For real. There were angels literally all over the place, not just at the porzioncula.
We were looking forward to telling the whole story but the phone which had been acting weary for weeks actually died completely as soon as we returned.
As in, dead.
It was worth it though to see the "angels in the city" art exhibit.
Now we just have to wait for a new used iphone six, which set us back another hundred dollars. It was worth it though to see the angels.

. Further meditations on the letter B, ie Bimini Rimini Eucharistia, and its relation to Day of De Dead.
In terms of Buzzi Battle Strategy, Has not the Brujeria of ages past given place to Harry Frankfurt's Bullshit?
The Dictator of Death will fight with the weapons of the age, and if we up the game, he will do likewise.
If Pasolini discovered the Propaganda two lodge, and Pope Leo set himself to reveal it, then the Paraclete is in charge of Propaganda Three: The Trinity: and you're gonna hear Leon Roar (sorry katie but you stole that riff from Sarah Bareilles anyway).

Had to post this, it's from THREE YEARS AGO before the haters even found out I existed.
Im looking at all my old diaries, and found the lyrics written on Dec. 18th, 2016. We sure had fun!!!!
Undercover g men who have been tailing Carmine Gabuzzo (because it's way more fun than dogging those Ukranians and the food is better, sostas are longer etc. besides the G actually stands for Gabuzzo) have revealed that Carmine and his badass band of bugatti boosting birboni have been bundled off to a beach in Bimini by a battalion of beati blue hued bugle blowing behavior bettering baritone angels.
Think General Bonaparte and elBa.
je je.
Yes, we know Bonaparte was from Sardegna not Sicily but go with it.
As part of his plea agreement to avoid Rebibbia's bars, beat downs, baloney, bedbugs and botulism, Gabazzo will be on the board of a "borrow this bicycle for a bunch of bananas" based business and will be forbiddent to bargain bootleg passports (and bootleg sugar cane rum) in barter for bugazzis to billionaire expats who just want to bs their way around the beach. In fact Dante showed up because he was sick of bs-ing his way around the bosco, but buscemi guided him in another direction.

Carmine, after bellowing that the brass was a bevy of belligerent blowhards, broke wind with a beautiful bonaria after breakfasting on a brace of bushels of boack bean burritos, but that's the last we heard.

ALl this to say, dud is prolly going to a Valanga meeting and may not be coding for a while and at the moment, there is no other coder so just enjoy the stuff that's already here.
And no, no one is really going to Bimini.
I heard someone say the word a long time ago, and it just sounds cool. and begins with B like beaches, bicycles, basta, break time, and Brazil so yeah, the whole thing plus, I was trying for an A not a B with the book of songs. lol that's all.

Let's just say, to understand the music, you have to be merciful enough not to mock Matilda.
AND FURTHERMORE, whatever you try to hide, is not hidden from EngelKrol.
He knows everything, so the best thing to do is act as if He sees you. Because, He does.
So when you say, nobody haffi know? You forgot, He already knows.

The Rocket is supposed to be an angel orbiting the Eucharistic Heart of EngelKrol aka Jah; however for now we are simply embedding it.
We also need a FRISBEE variant with forty five feathered flute freaks from Fresno flying around a Frisbee shaped (name of planet beginning with F)
The circle with feathers behind the native american flute player is a "dream catcher" which is meant to keep good dreams, and trap and expel bad ones.

2018-19 was insane as far as this website.
For source code, look for Sarah Dresner's Throw the Cow over the moon code.
If you're doing the CODE course, well, Sarah, you just got your Angel Papers! LOL
As we were discussing this morning, Tolkien was not above a cow in the moon mashup BILBO'S VERSION OF HEY DIDDLE DIDDLE
IT can be riffed to millions of other tunes, "such is the danger of the NON COMMERCIAL FOLK FORM".

As for me, the masonry and the music and the engelblau stuff are what I'm feeling proud about right now.

Place yourself in God's Peaceful yet Powerful Presence.
Permit God to Propose a Plan.
Process the Plan with God as your Partner.
Produce the Plan as God's Presence in a Psychological or a Physical Phenomenon.

TALK TO THE HAND Escape laughs. Are you sick of the typical SEALS training sessions? Just want to know how to outrun the heat?
Join us for Gestalt Gym class iwth teh Gabuzzos, wehre a crowd of lasagna laden lolly gaggers strive to outrun a detachment of city angels armed with guava (tm) gestalt guns.
29 September. milk dud no mood to guilt trip but tuned into pios tv while eating chicolate pie and the gospel was right where the rich man had banquets whole lazaro...well...didnt.
Here on our special Angelic Feast, we rise early to serenade the Engel Prince with a hymn of gratitude


E is for Engel, who loves us indeed
And will come to console us, and rush, if we plead
E for Escucha and don't turn away, but be still and hear what the Engelblaus say to serenade Lot radio castle
E for Emotion, that everyone feels, and then comes the Engel with sweetness that heals
E for Entiende, which takes a long time
for the wisdom of Engel is deep and sublime
E is for Everything love will affect, and the Effort is worth it if we can connect
E is the Error that will hurt and annoy, but then Eucatastrophe Ending in Joy And e is for Eat which is what we all do, and we do it in safety, protected by Blue.
E, its the Epilogue, aka END, but remember, the ENGEL IS ALWAYS YOUR FRIEND.

101 years ago on Sept 20 1918, fans of Padre Pio believe he received the visible wounds of Jesus in his body.
(he had them before but he was shy so he asked Jesus to remove the visible part for a while.)
Some even believe this ended the first world war, and prevented the second world war from destroying the world by nuclear bombs.
Is this a scandal? Sure is. Is it crazy? Sure is. Could it be true? Why not? The world is jammed with mystery.
We will be investigating this phenomenon from a scientific point of view on the paraklete page.
OG fans of Valanga will know Milk dud, even when completely frustrated with God, is a stan fan of Pio.
Because what can you say to a person who would go through that for Jesus?
You might feel sheepish that you are not that holy or you might feel mad that he doesn't get Jesus to give you a couple of millions or make your life easier.
But somehow those hands tell you, that guy's heart is in the right place. Or as the Gabuzzo Padrino said, yeah, Padre Pio, he's a good guy.
And there used to be a link to his tv channel so here it is again: PIO'S TV
And also noteworthy, Pio founded a hospital that they say is free to the poor,

BLIMEY! (nods to Glasgow)!! BOOST YOUR OWN BUGATTI--no no, don't boost it, build it. ok? good.
Color sequence: green gabuzzi bugatti,red volcanic bugatti has a huge engine! blue engel bugatti heads for eternity!,
The bugattis were drawn by El TONY.
The engel and the path into the blue are by Paul Klee.

3 am shout out to San Gennaro and to all the saints of heaven--their invisible force is stronger than a volcano

Song for Sunday: FACCIA GIALLA (read more on the blog page)
Don't forget to go to the San Gennaro Festival if you wish, and/or the Radio for Rellies Festival too!

Friday’s Full moon is beautiful—check it out!

Engelfreundes is the back end webpage of Engelblau's Domains.
The back entrance is where friends can enter anytime, and it can get a little cluttered BUT NOT TOO MESSY!!! Otherwise you can get Lost and Languish in Lassitude. jeje.
So yeah we can mess around here as long as we're getting our work done!

Seven E: Engelfreundes, Employ your Ears to Escuchar, Entender, and Enter the Eucatastrophic Evolution of Earth! Ok that's Eight. O no its nine! LOL
fix the rocket script!! if we have time

  • MOONLIGHT STALKER and obviously anyone who thinks that women like having to take refuge with thugs, that is the same tipe of people who think that people like Julio don't exaggerate their soccer injury to get attention from women. Poor Julio! OOO Dear! It sure is a man's world!!!
    DANCE OF THE TOPLOADER And the name works too because as long as I'm up since two thirty watching the street, may as well do the laundry right?

  • so, MLK says, the difference between the hungarians and the passive resisters who do nothing, is the non violent resisters, who fight with the spirit.
    which, takes a while to learn. but, practice is going to make better.
    Apparently it's better than either of the alternatives. Time will tell.
    And thank you to T (victim of incest) for suggesting the One Tin Soldier song.
    The Wallflowers mashup is dedicated to Tino, to Manny etc.
    And as it turns out, it's about other more scandalous victims as well.

  • Its Veteran's day weekend, and the moon is full on the 12th.
    Fires aren't just for the Fifth of November, fires are cheery all winter, whether they're in the sky or in a chimney.
    One good way of proving that this is Milk Dud's page is, this morning guess who showed up at Pio's Place?
    Some priests on pilgrimage from Naples to honor a friend of Pio, Don Dolindo Ruotolo.
    According to the neapolitans, Ruotolo was so holy that when he pilgrimaged over to Pio's house, and Pio saw him he cried, "in your soul I see you in Paradise with the angels, and you come here to ask a blessing from ME? ???

    Pro pointers for Prayer--prayer is a process, more like an evolution than an explosion.
    Do the first thing God says, then he'll continue.

    GIOIOSI GABUZZI GIARDINIERI Finalmente we got our Triple G foundation! LOL but if we put gluck street it got lost to four Quattro G

    Fabrizio Fattori Flute fest flows to Feast of Faustina, Flouters may be Forcibly Flung from Fortaleza
    (formerly, First Friday Feast of Friar Francis Foundation Friends FLute Festival Fish Fry


    More hater meditations. Here's something to think about which came after trying to figure out yet again a weird threat of sexual assaut which is veiled--in other words, after trying to figure out how a guy would "make a woman beg for it" is this even possible?
    and if said with such malice how can it be a joke? Its self contradictory.
    Obviously the guy is not in a good mood, he's just this side of a knife fight. why is being friendly to a guy an insult that provokes a threat of physical violence Yet, saying nothing provokes their rage as well.The guy is afraid to say that he is afraid of being sexually rejected ITs so overblown! And they know it is, becuase they have never been clear about this even in their own governmental institutions. They have explicitly SPELLED IT OUT that being laughed at is not the same as being killed. If it were, the men who created the justice system would have imposed a penalty of 25 to life for "unwittingly shaming a guy's ego by just simply existing".But since they never did that, instead there is no crime on any book I know of called that, how can anyone know itInstead they imnpose the penalty themselves out of court, by killing the women who unwittingly hurt their feelings. --

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