About Engelblau's Musical College, Uriel University, The Guadalupe Gardens, and the Valangaverse.

engelblau's encyclopedia

The Valanga di Vita isn't just a company in the narrow, legalistic sense of the word, though indeed it is that. The Valanga di Vita is an Avalanche of Life, the essential or existential energy that is the engine of "essere" (latin for "to be") .The Gateway to this Valangaverse is here. Here you can find a guide to the volcanic universe of the Valanga di Vita, the Avalanche of Life.
Volcanos have tremendous energy and they also allow you a perspective. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, a beato from Torino who is the "accidental" namesake of the company, knew this well. His motto was VERSO L'ALTO and he embodied this aspiration; he constantly climbed mountains to be closer to God and to see the world from God's perspective. Though he died at only 24 from polio which doctors speculate he got while tending sick people, we believe he is watching over our company.
By climbing to the volcanic heights, Pier Giorgio was imitating his beloved Jesus who climbed a mountain to show his glory to a small crew of bffs in the Transfiguration. When you are in a culture, whether it's an open air agricultural culture, a violent gangster culture, a competitive, narcissistic celebrity culture, a culture of "dialectic materialistism" or whatever it may be, you are inside it and do not have a perspective on it. So you take valanga and you put it together with Universe and you get valangaverse, the universe of vitality and goodness.
Now, the Uriel university naturally is studying the universe and everything in it to see what its all about. Uriel means, God is my light, and Uriel is an archangel that has faded somewhat from what you might call the angelic A list, that is, he's not a "holywood" celebrity these days. But we get our light form the stars, including the sun which is a star. The volcano is the first step to the stars. Being among the stars, we can see the world as God sees it: one round beloved globe, not a bunch of fragmented warring factions. Unfortunately also amongs the stars and immortal spirits, there are battles and we are victims of these battles which did not originate with us --"ce vient pas de nous" as dadju says.
THIS SONGis about the enemies of God and their envy of his unconditinal and universal love.
So Uriel, is a fitting name for the University of the valangaverse.
The Gardens are evocative of Paradise which has many mythical versions such as "the garden of eden" or various green paradises mentioned in other religions.
As for engelblau, the blue angel or listening angel of Paul Klee, we are glad to know he is our patron.
The musical aspect of this company has come to reveal itself over time. All we can say is "Come and See". If you wish to be a "fellow" of the musical college, there are no barriers to admission except the ones in your heart. However, in order to provide participants with some context, take about a year and become familiar with the following "cor curriculum" (cor meaning heart0 texts provided for guidance on the proper pages: volcanos, internal combustion engines, corporate governance, internet domains, evolution, economics, botany, astronomy, phenomenology, existentialism, semiotics, art history. Those who have not done so will also want to study Pinocchio, Frodo, Dante, and the Silmarillion. The Board of Trustees of Uriel University is developing a "AAA" or Angelic Agape Assessement, like the SAT it will have 1600 points but it is based on LOVING FAMILIARITY rather than INTELLECTUAL KNOWLEDGE.
Practical considerations NUMBER ONE: Since there will be at least a dozen textbooks to print out, it is suggested that the material be downloaded to a flash drive and printed from a laser printer which might be less costly and more efficient than using a slow printer of the $30 "pixma" type. NUMBER TWO: Please conserve, and do not toss out or delete, all receipts for all expenses. we mean "all" as in, "all". If for some reason no receipt exists, keep a record of what you bought and how much you paid. Si gastes dinero en algo "vi prego" favor de conservar un recibo de papel como evidencia. Si no hay recibo escribe que fue lo que compro y lo que pago.

Uriel University specifically is modelled after Oxford University, for its ancient devotion to Archangel Uriel; Wellesley college for its focus on women, and the gardens of the earth; and the College of New Rochelle to carry on their mission as the New Rocca, La Rocca di Fuoco, la Rocca Volcanica, La Valanga.

Our Values

MISSION: Our mission which is easier to say is: to educate the world to happiness. Happiness not as the absence of sorrow but as a fire of vitality that burns brightly enough to vanquish the shadow of melancholy that menaces the human spirit.
We use a method known as phenomenology, where phenomena that make many people happy are investigated: gardens, hope, truth, and music which harmonizes them all together according to THE SILMARILLION.
It is controversial, but not impossible, to speak of refugees and gangs and the drug war and mental illness, all delicate topics certainly, but not "taboo". Now that the @metoo movement is more widely known, we may also state the underlying motivation for our existence: we were victims of "taboo" kinds of violence, the kind that scares and shames people into silence. The perpetrators were desperately unhappy, and perhaps, could not bear that anyone else might be happy if they were not.
Thus our underlying mission is to make this situation known. We minister to the violent, but also deeply and truly to victims of violence, particulary violence perpetrated by the mentally ill, and violence of a familiar and/or sexual nature. This does not mean that women and children are the only victims, but it is important to note, that the highest respect and honor is accorded to these victims in our company and it is they who make decisions regarding the mission and the disposition of funds And essentially, the funds are used to cover expenses so that the mission can be carried out.

VISION: To understand our vision, we recommend the core curriculum, which is essentially a study of energy, of vitality, where it originates, and what it means. (Christians believe that Jesus said, "I have come to start a fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled." He was buried in a cave and the energy which was exploded when he resurrected was hot enough to burn his image into the burial shroud, known as the "shroud of turin.")We begin with Volcanoes and end with gardens under the stars..


What we offer


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What we have created



gardens of gladness

New York


A Universe of Light

San Francisco


An avalanche of life

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